What is the future of business and how are you communicating with your workforce? As employee expectations shift, internal and external communication merge and the influence of social media and interconnected employees grows, what’s your organisation’s story?
A few weeks ago I met up with the excellent Sheila Parry, MD of theblueballroom agency to talk about all things internal communication. She has kindly invited me to be her guest at an event taking place in London tomorrow at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), called thefuturestory.
I have featured theblueballroom’s approach in articles before because they have merged their internal and external communication offerings, which I think is a step ahead of the game and testament to Sheila’s experience and vision in our field.
Aside from being excited about getting to look inside RADA, I’m very much looking forward to taking part in the discussions and hearing from the guest speakers. You can find out more about it via the video below:
Are you going? I’ve been following the conversation via Twitter #thefuturestory. I’m going to share my thoughts from tomorrow via my blog, but here’s a sneaky peek from @theblueballroom on what we can expect :
Everywhere we look, we find commentary on the major trends that are affecting the world of business. Globalisation, accessible technology, customer choice, employee values, age and gender balance and social media are just some of the issues that are shaping future society. At the same time, relationships with customers, employees and influential stakeholders are not only changing rapidly but they are becoming increasingly inter-connected.
At thefuturestory, theblueballroom promises to share thinking, specifically on how these trends are shaping the way businesses work and how they communicate with the people who matter, inside and outside their organisation. We will navigate you through some of the communications challenges – and help you write your own future story.
Whos’ speaking?
The keynote is being given by Wired’s Olivia Solon @olivia_solon, followed by in-depth workshops. It was impossible to choose which one to attend! They are with Euan Semple @euan, who I first heard speak in 2009 when he came to speak to my class on the Kingston Uni postgraduate diploma in Internal Comms Management, CEO of Kred, Andrew Grill @andrewgrill and Jaqui Taylor @jacquitaylorfb who will be examining Big Data. I’ve created a Twitter list so you can follow the speakers.
I’m going to be attending Andrew’s session and am looking forward to it. If you want to find out more about Kred, check out the article I wrote last month after attending the London Influencer Summit 2013
Theblueballroom says that tomorrow is “the beginning of thefuturestory and is a platform to share knowledge and experience and work out what to do about future trends.”
I believe there are still a few tickets left and there are lots of familiar names on the attendee list. If you’re going, I’ll see you there and if not, do look out for my take on tomorrow via my blog later this week, Rachel