More than 30 million people go to work every day in the UK and, if the polls are to be believed, only half of them really want to be there.
What can we do to help combat that? Today I have a guest post by Sheila Parry, Founder and chairman of specialist internal communications agency, theblueballroom, who is someone I enjoy learning from.
She’s here with news of an exciting way you can support her work which will help benefit not only yourself but fellow professionals too.
Here’s Sheila…
How to make a real impact on employee engagement
Most of the research I read suggests that only 1 in 3 people is truly engaged, and 1 in 4 is actively disengaged.
I’ve spent my working life trying to change that – client by client, team by team, individual by individuals – and I’ve learned so much along the way.
I’ve identified some of the really good stuff that happens at work when organisations put people at the centre of strategy and not the other way round.
I’ve now written a book called TAKE PRIDE, which outlines a new model for creating outstanding organisations where people are proud of their jobs and proud of their brands.
What is the PRIDE model?
The PRIDE model is built on five positive conditions that organisations can create:
- Purpose
- Reputation
- Integrity
- Direction
- Energy.
It’s a simple pneumonic, but a challenging philosophy that is build on the key principle of looking at life at work from the dual perspective of the organisation and the people who work there.
Nothing happens at work unless the employees turn up physically and emotionally and so the PRIDE model consciously places them and their interests on a par with those of the organisation.
I believe my book will show you how to move employee engagement further up the management agenda and provides a model that you can apply in your workplace. But I now working on getting it published.
How you can help
TAKE PRIDE has been selected by a new and disruptive publishing company called Unbound. Unbound want to bring new authors and new ideas onto the market, but they do that through crowdfunding the production costs and proving that there is a market for the book before they print it.
Once my target has been reached, the book will go into production.
With Rachel’s’ blessing, I am asking you to consider supporting the project by pre-ordering a copy of the book.
You can go online and watch a video (which you can also see below), read an extract and then sign up for an eBook or first edition hardback copy of the book, or one of the other pledges.
The great thing is that all supporters will get their name printed in the book and become part of the TAKE PRIDE community that is positively impacting the working world.
If you would like to know anything else about the book or the project, please contact me on, or @Sheila_Parry on Twitter. Thank you very much.
Post author: Sheila Parry
Thank you Sheila. Do check out the ways you can get involved as I believe her work has an important role to play in helping communicators and organisations understand the role of engagement in transforming our workplaces.
The business case for building pride at work is compelling. It delivers higher performance, builds brand reputation and achieves customer loyalty. It increases innovation, quality, productivity and profit.
It can reduce health and safety incidents, absenteeism and staff attrition. Individuals derive huge personal benefits from meaningful work too. Those who are more fulfilled at work tend to achieve more and they lead happier and healthier lives.
Employee Engagement Awards
I’m proud to be judging this year’s Employee Engagement Awards, the deadline for entries is 6 October 2017.
You can find out more via their website or follow them on Twitter @ee_awards. Celebrate the best in employee engagement by entering the first, only dedicated and global EE Awards.
Further reading about employee engagement
I’ve written countless times about engagement on the All Things IC blog including:
- The latest employee engagement evidence
- A new model for engagement and wellbeing
- How to strengthen employee engagement through communication
- The role volunteering plays in engagement
- A focus on: All things employee engagement
- Is gamification a winner for employee engagement?
Thank you for stopping by,
First published on the All Things IC blog 25 June 2017.