Are you willing to sacrifice the people to save the numbers, or the numbers to save the people? Only one makes you a leader.
Simon Sinek @simonsinek recently presented a keynote presentation at Vistage UK 25 Years Conference. He talked around the themes of his latest book Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t.
I discovered it online today and thought I would share it because it resonated with me and I think it’s full of information other communicators will find interesting.
Start with the why
If you’ve not come across Simon’s work before, do check it out. He’s one of the people I always enjoy reading about and listening to what he has to say.
I have written lots of the content on my blog based on some of his guidance. For example – people don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it and start with the why.
Have you used this approach in your internal communication? Do give it a go and let me know how you get on and what the results are.
Simon is best known for popularising the concept of Why and for the talk he gave on the subject that became the second most watched talk of all time on
Back to Leaders Eat Last… standing in front of over 550 delegates at the Vistage event, through this 20 minute video Simon talks about:
- How to create a circle of safety in your business.
- The four chemicals in our bodies that define what we know as happiness.
- How these chemicals work and what the effects are on our businesses, personal and professional lives.
- How our jobs are literally killing us because of bad leadership.
Let me know what you think, you’re welcome to comment below or Tweet me @AllthingsIC. Enjoy!
P.s.thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts for my upcoming article on creating IC strategy, it’s coming soon.