Tomorrow is the start of Social Media Week and I’m delighted to be involved with a number of events involving internal communication professionals.
Monday 23 September is Social Media Inside the Large Enterprise (SMILE) by simply-communicate @simplycomm. Now in its third year, SMILE is the largest one-day event in Europe dedicated to exploring how large companies and organisations are using social media tools behind the firewall.
SMILE has been chosen to be part of the official line up for Social Media Week (SMW). Global SMW happens twice a year (February and September) across multiple cities including London, Berlin, Bogota, Mumbai, Los Angeles and Toronto. The infographic on this page shows the scale of the event from earlier this year (opens larger).
Hosted by Chinwag, the week-long event features 245 individual events spread across London and all will be reflecting the broad global theme “Everything Is Connected.”
I will be presenting the results from my What’s in a name internal social media research at SMILE. You can read full commentary here and access a free download of the results. I’ll then be joining a team of fellow moderators to host a table.
My session will be looking at policies and practices: how to equip employees for social media success.
The other hosts I’m honoured to be joining are: Neville Hobson, Matt O’Neill, Benjamin Ellis, Dana Leeson, Luke Mepham, Ezri Carlebach, Sean Trainor, Wedge Black, Kevin Ruck, Chris Elmitt and Sobia Aslam.
Internal communication joins the conversation
I welcome the fact a predominantly internal communication focused event has joined the ranks among all the other events that are happening between now and 27 September.
I spoke at Facebook last year during SMW 2012 alongside some of my fellow Share This book authors, and ensured internal communication was firmly on that agenda.
This year there are lots of fantastic discussions due to take place involving internal communication professionals. One of my fellow @theICcrowd co-founders, Dana Leeson @danaleeson will be speaking on Thursday 26 September alongside Benjamin Ellis @benjaminellis and Euan Semple @euan.
Their session looks at Enterprise Social Platforms: Are we just putting lipstick on the pig? and tickets are still available (love that name!), so do check it out if you’re in London this week. If you’re not, it’s going to be live-streamed so you can watch their discussion and the hashtag for that event is #SMWEnterprise.
The future of internal communication
My week also includes the annual internal communication conference from CIPR Inside, the IC sector group of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, which I have the pleasure of being Deputy Chair of.
I’m chairing a session on sociable internal communication and my guests will be Jonathan Phillips from Coca-Cola Enterprises, Wendy Jordan from The Wheatley Group and Linda Mortimer from Gatwick Airport.
I’m looking forward to them sharing their stories with delegates and putting questions from IC pros to them as part of our discussions on stage.
The hashtag to follow the conversation on the day via Twitter is #FutureIC and you can find all the speakers via this Twitter list I’ve created.
The Future of PR
On Thursday I’m going to be speaking alongside some of my fellow Share This Too authors at Ketchum as part of a Social Media Week event called Share This Too – The future of Public Relations.
They are Mark Pack, Head of Digital, Blue Rubicon, Russell Goldsmith, Social Media Director, markettiers4dc, Michael Litman, Co-Founder, BRANDSONVINE and Stephen Davies, Director, Ruder Finn UK.
Jane Wilson, Chief Executive of CIPR will be moderating the discussion. The hashtag for the event is #smwKetchum.
Whatever your week ahead looks like, I hope it’s a good one.
If you go to an event and would like to capture your impressions as a guest article for my blog, do check out my guidelines and get in touch to let me know.
Post author: Rachel Miller