Richard Cooper @richardjcooper1 is leading internal communication at the Open University and currently studying for an MSc in Internal Communication Management at the University of Central Lancashire.
Here he writes for my blog to review Share This Too: More Social Media Solutions for PR Professionals including my chapter on Social in corporate communications.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Richard. Have you read the book? If so do please tweet me @AllthingsIC or the book @CIPRSM with your reviews or post via Amazon.
Share This Too: Social in corporate communications
Rachel kicks of her chapter with the statement that today’s corporate communication professional is assumed to have a solid understanding of social media. However, “what if that’s not the case?” she asks.
The simple answer is: “read Share This Too!”
In a break-neck paced world in which our timelines are crammed with more updates about social media technology than we can possibly absorb, it is great to have an old-school handbook that PR professionals can flick through at their leisure that gets to the nub of the subject.
The book covers concepts such as gamification (Sharon O’Dea) and social capital (Adam Parker), as well as providing very practical guidance about the law (Hanna Basha) and crisis management (Chris Norton). And it does so succinctly, with chapters lasting no more than 10 pages.
In her chapter in last year’s first edition, Share This, Rachel explained how social media have changed internal communication, exploring how social media can be used to enhance employee engagement, providing it meets their expectations.
In Share This Too, Rachel expands on these ideas to cover corporate communication more generally, highlighting how the boundaries between internal and external communication have become blurred.
Bringing ideas to life
Sometimes there is a risk that concepts around social media can become too abstract, however, Rachel brings her ideas to life with contemporary case studies and gives clear guidance on how to get the best from social media in your organisation.
She also draws on her own research to illustrate practitioners and employers’ attitudes to social media. And that essential link to business objectives is strengthened further with research from McKinsey that provides evidence that social technology can drive productivity.
Rachel’s is one of 33 chapters within this book and there are plenty that are directly relevant to IC professionals with the opportunity to read more broadly.
It almost goes without saying, but all the chapters are written by authoritative figures in their fields and the content has been peer-reviewed, which gives it extra clout.
It’s a book that is ideal for dipping into time again and, in spite of its title, you will want to keep your copy of Share This Too all to yourself.
Post author: Richard Cooper
Thank you for your review Richard – and for writing nice things!
Further reading
You can find the book on Twitter @Sharethistoo and there are lots of resources on my blog if you’re thinking about using social media for corporate communication.
If you’ve ever seen me present, you’ll know that I talk about the importance of making smart decisions for your organisation and how social media is not always the answer (remember the plasters?) and about viewing it as a mindset rather than technology.
I end my chapter in Share This Too by saying: “Before you make great strides with social, assess your company’s strategy, work with your business, employees and customers to determine what suits your culture and then listen and continue to ask for feedback.”
Resources you can find on my blog include:
300+ social media policies
My YouTube playlist of social media policies
It’s Yammer Time – everything I’ve published to date on using Yammer
Who is using what for internal social media? 200+ case studies and platform overviews
Overcoming a digital dilemma
Centres of excellence in social media?
How many social media channels do you know?